marți, 30 decembrie 2014

10 Qualities of a Great Network Marketing Opportunity


If you've done a lot of searching, you know that there are several great opportunities that you can become a part of and that will put a little extra cash in your wallet each month. But you probably also know that recruiting is one of the most difficult things to do, and it's the recruiting that keeps a network marketing business afloat. Therefore, for people who don't have any marketing skills, it's almost impossible to get your own leg of the business going, let alone keep your down-line motivated to do the same. That is why when I first got into network marketing, I looked for one that had the qualities I've listed below. Do yourself a favor; save the time I wasted muddling through several opportunities before finding one that met all of these criteria.
11.Company does the recruiting for you. You won't find many of these. If you've tried your hand at recruiting and haven't had success, this is a MUST.
12.Everything is guaranteed! Any money that you spend toward the business will be returned to you if you don't get the results that they promise. (This takes all of the risk and apprehension out of potential prospects.) If a company says there is "no risk" dig a little deeper. If you have to pay for your own advertising outside of the business, you ARE risking something. "No risk" should mean absolutely no risk!
13.Must run on auto-pilot. You don't need to be at home for your business to keep running smoothly. A great business opportunity is one that takes full advantage of today's technology. You could be on your favorite beach while your business is running and making money 24/7.
14.Administration and immediate sponsor are very supportive. They should have an email, phone, or fax number where someone can always be reached. Keep in mind that they may not get back to you right away because of the number of people interested in this type of opportunity, but be patient and persevere. If they aren't back to you or haven't sent you a note that says they'll be getting back to you within 2 days, it might not be the best business to affiliate with.
15.Potential for large income is attainable within 9 months or less. If the program doesn't make a good residual income within 9 months, move on. There are ones that do, and when you are using your own money, this can be a key in being able to continue marketing it.
16.Offers conference calls and forums even if you don't want to participate. Sometimes it's just nice to know that things are happening at headquarters, even if you don't have the time to always participate in them. Just knowing they're there to lean on makes you that much more comfortable about being a part of their organization.
17.Are older than 5 years. Chances are, if they've made it that long on the Internet, they'll continue to make it. That's just my opinion. Most poorly run Internet businesses don't get past the 9th month; and that's if they're lucky.
18.Offer quality products. Right now, the best selling products (and the easiest to deliver) are information products and website business tools. They are hot, hot, hot!
19.Don't make you do your own ad writing. If you aren't a professional ad writer and you're trying to write your own ads, you're probably losing sales. It's as simple as that. I don't care how many e-courses or e-books you've read about being ad writing. If you want the best response, leave it to the professionals. If the company offers this service - take them up on it.
20.Allows test drives. If the company really believes in their opportunity they'll provide you with a way to put your toe in the water before you take the plunge. If they don't have this - well, would you buy a car that you didn't test drive first? This time will also give you a chance to run some checks on the company and do a search on one of the major search engines. If people have been scammed they'll post them there and you'll know about it. Just make sure you do it.

If the next business opportunity that looks good to you, doesn't have these 10 qualities, keep looking. They are out there. If you'd like more information about how you can skip the step where you go through 30 poor business opportunities to get to at least one that really brings you success, I'd be happy to share information with you. That's what networking is all about. As Joan Baez once said, "You don't get to choose how you're going to die, or when. You can only decide how you're going to live now." Choose to live the life of a successful network marketer.

What Donald Trump Thinks of Network Marketing


Network marketing has gotten all sorts of publicity, both good and bad. It has made many people very rich but it has also made many go into bankruptcy and into heavy debt. When Donald Trump was asked on TV what he was going to do if he was to go bankrupt once again, his answer was simple. He said that he would get into a network marketing business. It seemed that the audience did not like his answer when they booed him. But everyone was silenced by his answer. He said that their reaction set the line between him and them; that the reason why he was rich and they were not because of this exact attitude. Donald Trump is known for his innovation and quick-mindedness. His risk-taking coupled with sound judgment has made him one of the richest men in the world. His thought on network marketing thrives on the concept being a powerful one. He believes that it is in simply knowing the difference between good multilevel marketing strategies and pyramid scams. The sad thing is many people do not know the difference; they do not know a good thing when they see one.Donald Trump has been in the business for so long and he knows a good strategy when he sees one. The principles that wrap around multilevel marketing is based soundly on existing theories. That is why there is no actual need to fear the business. The careful ones would really benefit from this type of business. Imagine earning from what you worked hard for today and from what you worked for months ago.The funny thing is, after Donald Trump made that remark about what he thinks of MLM, many scammers took advantage of the situation and used his name in many promotional materials. This made his side retaliate by saying that he was not actually endorsing MLM but just made his opinion on it. After all, he made his billions through real estate. Real estate runs in his blood and would probably remain in that business forever. It would really be helpful to think everytime you encounter a marketing scheme that when what it says is too good to be true, it probably is a fraud. It is highly recommended that be wary of frauds. Many scammers use names of famous people to make you think that these people are actually endorsing it. As always, it would be responsible to do intensive research on the company and the products or services it offers.Letís keep it simple. There is no business that will make you rich overnight. All businesses take some sort of investmentScience Articles, nerve-wracking decision-making and a lot of hard work. There is no such thing as easy money. Donald Trump is right in saying that network marketing is based on a very powerful concept that when used properly will yield in the in-pouring of money. But not all MLMs that you see are legitimate. The secret in getting into the right kind of business is in knowing which are the real ones and which are the frauds. Base everything on proven facts and statistics and you probably would do no wrong.

Herbalife Receives “Product Of The Year” Award


Global nutrition company Herbalife (NYSE: HLF) was honored with the "Product of the Year" award for its Formula 1 Nutritional shake in the category of "Efficient Weight Management Nutrition" at a recent ceremony in Moscow, Russia.
The national Product of the Year Awards, sponsored by the Russian Chamber of Commerce and the Moscow International Business Association (MIBA), are in their sixteenth year and recognize the most popular consumer goods products in Russia. They bring together the largest Russian and international manufacturers, retailers and banks, and awards are presented in 50 categories as chosen by consumers.
Herbalife's weight-management, nutrition and personal care products help support healthy lifestyles in more than 90 countries.
Herbalife International is an American multi-level marketing company that develops, markets and sells nutrition, weight management and skin-care products globally. The company was founded in 1980, and it employs around 7,400 people worldwide. Herbalife reported net sales of US$4.072 billion in 2012, an 18% increase over 2011, and net income of $477.19 million, a 16% increase over 2011. It incorporated in the Cayman Islands, and its corporate headquarters is in Los Angeles, California, United States.
The company distributes its products in 91 countries (as of November 2013) through a network of approximately 3.2 million independent distributors, some of whom earn profit on product sales and additional commission from a multi-level marketing (MLM) compensation structure.

Tupperware Ranks among Fortune’s ‘Most Admired Companies’


For the seventh consecutive year, Tupperware Brands Corp. has been recognized on Fortune’s annual list of theWorld’s Most Admired Companies. The 68-year-old brand’s corporate reputation ranks second in the Home Equipment and Furnishings category.

Within the category, Tupperware leads its competitors in global competitiveness and ranks second in innovation, social responsibility and quality of products/services. Those attributes align with the company’s key business priorities, notes Tupperware Chairman and CEO Rick Goings.
The rapidly changing face of the Tupperware consumer reflects the extent of the company’s global competitiveness. In the fourth quarter, emerging markets accounted for 60 percent of sales, and Goings projects that figure will grow to at least 80 percent by 2019. For 2013, the company postedstrong growth in Indonesia (33 percent); South Africa (28 percent); Turkey (24 percent) and China (20 percent).
A recent infographic from Tupperware showcases the impact of its direct selling opportunity in Indonesia, its fastest-growing market. Tupperware surveyed women who have spent at least three years in the company’s salesforce, and their responses provide insight into the increased skills, self-confidence and financial security that have resulted from their experiences with the company.

Tupperware: training women to succeed

Tupperware: training women to succeed

CNBC's Brian Sullivan, Fortune's Alan Murray, and Tupperware CEO Rick Goings join Morning Joe to discuss the growth of the middle class and female leadership abroad.

WOR(l)D Global Network


Direct selling benefits
Galdi’s developments in this fast paced environment have been guided and enlightened by the values propounded by the World Federation of Direct Selling Association (WFSDA) (see Fig. 1), which states that “direct selling is the sale of a consumer product or service, person-to-person, away from a fixed retail location, marketed through independent sales representatives who are sometimes also referred to as consultants, distributors or other titles. Just about any product or service can be purchased through direct selling somewhere in the world.
“Many people think of cosmetics, wellness products and home décor as products that are often sold through direct sales, but add to that countless other product categories including kitchen products, jewellery, clothing, organic gardening supplies, spa products, scrapbooking supplies, rubber stamps and much, much more.”
Galdi counts on a large team of professional, highly skilled colleagues in direct selling, who come from many different walks of life. Some of them sustain that direct selling has been a valid option to America’s current retirement savings crisis, providing for the needs of the next generation in the coming years. Aware of the changing dynamic of the marketplace, Galdi stated that “money has a role in retirement, but it’s not the primary one that every one gives it. Combine that concept with eye-opening statistics estimate that half of all baby boomers are interested in starting a business, and the makings of a massive trend are in place.”
With a global revenue of over $178.5m and more than 90 million independent contractors on a global scale, direct selling offers endless possibilities to ambitious entrepreneurs like Fabio Galdi, whose success can be attributed to an enterprising spirit as well as ceaseless commitment.
Fighting against pyramid schemes
Galdi is combative: “Regrettably this industry, just like many others, is polluted by scammers and very often transparent businesses are jeopardised by frauds and dodgy businesses. We do not want to be associated with those who consciously operate scams in the market. Our company is on the front line in the fight against pyramid schemes.
“We need to generate awareness in those who access this industry, through hard work and a lengthy commitment sustainable results can be produced. Ethics is our utmost priority. Always beware of those who argue that this industry produces high profit with little effort. That is just rubbish. Our company provides adequate training to help our distributors to operate ethically.” The training course sellers go through is aimed at creating the best professionals in such a competitive industry. Pyramid schemes have rightly been widely criticised, and they have also notoriously hindered the credibility of genuine companies.
Galdi fully embraces the values and business models of multi-level marketing in his successful business ventures, ranging from telecommunications to wearable technology. At only 42 years of age, the CEO has established himself on the list of leading entrepreneurs of the next decade on a global scale.
The company has a deep sense of social responsibility, and Galdi’s brother, Alfonso, in addition to his commitment as CFO of the company, has founded a philanthropic initiative, the World for People Foundation. This initiative aims at undertaking sustainable development through socially innovative projects and contributing to improve living conditions in the local economies of our world’s poorest areas. The World for People Foundation identifies and seeks to implement the most advanced technological solutions that are aimed at improving the living conditions of populations.