sâmbătă, 31 ianuarie 2015

Robert Kiyosaki’s Best Financial Advice for 2015

As an expert in investing, as well as business and personal development, we asked Robert what the No. 1 thing is that Americans can do to set themselves up for financial success in 2015. Here was his response:
“Americans can stop seeing themselves as victims — of the job market, Obamacare fallout, economic downturns, and the uncertain future of programs like Social Security and Medicare — and stop relying on someone else to ‘save’ them,” Kiyosaki said. “A shift in mindset (from ‘victim’ to ‘champ’) and a decision to put your talents, your intelligence and your strengths to work will set you up to take control of your life and your financial future.
“It starts with education, especially financial education … so make 2015 the year you champion your life and take control. Can’t find a job? Challenge yourself to create one for yourself. Want to start generating passive income and building assets? Do it! Find a mentor. Start a blog or podcast. Write an e-book. License your killer salsa recipe. Or join a network marketing company. You’re smart and creative and talented … so use those talents, learn more about money and business and investing, and champion — and change — your life in 2015.
“It’s your choice. Will you keep letting yourself fall victim to life’s curve balls? Or will you hit it out of the park by putting the power of financial education behind every swing you take in your game of life?”
Increased efficacy and accountability are Kiyosaki’s recommendations for those seeking to improve their financial health in 2015. Rather than blame circumstances, he encourages people to take ownership over their successes — in their finances and in their career — to reach their goals.
One way to do this is through entrepreneurship. The job you want might not be easily found on a job site, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have the career you’ve always dreamed of and the financial security that comes with it.

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