The Good about MLM
In its core MLM or network marketing if you will, is a nice business model that lets you make the transition into a business owner a lot easier as well as a lot cheaper. I have been in business for a long time, have done a lot of stuff and can tell you there is no other way to start a business for as low as 20 bucks.
So that’s quite cool, but… oh yeah there’s a but… but the low starting cost will not really make you a business owner at all… at least not one that will profit. It will only be enough to “get in”… and just to make it more clear… yes you will need a lot of money to succeed, just like any other business.
Anybody who says the opposite is fooling you around to join you. Prepare yourself for spending to get an MLM going. The cheap way in is only good as far as you will mentally feel a business owner.
The good thing about network marketing is that as I already said in the beginning, once you manage to get it going you will start making money with doing literally nothing. It is quite hard to get there though and takes a loooooooot of long hours of work.
The other good thing is you will have the chance to surround yourself with cool people, which is truly the recipe for a successful business and a cool life. Many of them will be eager to help you since network marketing operates right when the whole network produces, or at least as many people as possible.
Now a bit about the get in early thing… they say you have to get in early to really make it happen. I don’t really know whether this is good or bad, yet I know it is true. You can make money at any level, but to really make cash you need to know the founders, or at least be among the first to jump in.
The reason network marketing will only work for you if you are an early bird is because it was created to work best for the top group of people and it will always be like that. People at the lower levels make money too, yet not really. The reason is not everybody can manage to create a huge network selling for them, as a matter of fact almost nobody but the top people manage to do it and the only way to make money in MLMs is to have a massive network.
Having that said, it is obvious people who can’t expand quit sooner or later. It is just how it is and it could not be changed.
Why can’t everybody expand? you might ask…
And the answer to this question is most people who join MLMs are either poor, or have never been in business and have no idea how it works. Both these types don’t have what it takes to make it happen, and few are those who have the balls to learn business and come up with money to grow, and only some of those few will make money.
Another reason is the market is not that big for so many people to sell… not everybody will buy your thing.
So a huge percentage of people quit because either the saturated market will make them quit, or they will not have what it takes… then new people will join, then they will quit, then again new people will join and again others will quit… and it goes on forever.
Which is why you need to have realized by now the only people who actually manage to keep their networks big enough to make decent money are those at the top. I can not say this is bad, because those at the top could be a lot and they could have done a lot of marketing to get where they are, yet I could tell you if you are not at the top, you will have the hardest time making money in MLM.
You can choose for yourself if this is good or bad. All that says Network marketing could work for you if you join early and have several years to expand.
The bad about MLM
This business model is presented very very wrong to people. Network marketers always talk about getting rich fast, or making huge amounts of money, or becoming a millionaire without doing anything, which makes it a huge marketing fairy tale.
Which is another reason for people to quit by the way… because most are naive enough to believe all that crap, and after they join and see it doesn’t happen in a day, they get frustrated.
Another thing that’s pretty bad is most companies forget it should be the products that matter, and not just the opportunity, therefore turn MLM into a joke, because once you only start selling the dream you will only join the not so reasonable people, and this is not a cool business.
I have no idea whether this is the reason or not, but most people get involved in network marketing only for the money… nobody cares about the products they buy. And it was Donald Trump who said:
“if you are in business only for the money, you should quit right now”
“if you are in business only for the money, you should quit right now”
And I think this is quite bad for the business model as well as for a lot of people involved in it. Besides you know what network marketing turns into when nobody cares about the products that much.
And now the ugly
It could get really ugly when you get hung up on all the stories and positive crap the top boys use to keep you tied in. And I mean really ugly. A lot of people spend forever not going anywhere, because they blindly believe the stupidity they listen to at events, or calls or meetups or whatever.
One thing is certain – if you don’t get popular somehow, so people would start joining you, you will never make money… and you can be the most positive poor person on Earth following stories and success fairy tales.
I had a friend who always followed his emotions… and at the end he was really disappointed. I kept telling him to not be so naive, yet he could not stop believing everybody. Then as I said he quit and was very angry at a lot of people.
So if you see you can not manage to become friends with the leaders, if you don’t have the money or the time to learn marketing quit immediately. You will never make it.
And it truly gets ugly once you start dealing with all the scepticism. There are a lot of people who don’t get network marketing, or don’t accept it and it is very frustrating handling all of them.
And in my opinion, they could not be blamed since as I said marketers have turned most MLMs into a joke.
Building a network is the real deal in any business, yet it is not easy at all. It takes a lot of money, time and persistence, so if you think you will use network marketing to get rich in a week, you will have to change that mindset right away.
You can make money in network marketing, yet you have to do it the way mentioned above.
I tried to be as honest as I could in this article because it hurts me to see all those people struggling for years not going anywhere, because they were convinced they would be millionaires in a month. However I hope you got it all right… network marketing could be a pretty profitable venture if treated right.
Treating it right though is wrong for a lot of people. I only like one company, but it is not really network marketing, everything else is a waste of time. But hey, this post is only my view over the topic (based on 8 years of entrepreneurship
), you are free to share your thoughts down below as a comment, as I would love to see what you think.
Thanks a lot for sharing this post
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