sâmbătă, 27 decembrie 2014

Direct Selling Business in INDIA




Most direct sellers have achieved their success because they are passionate about the products and the business opportunity they have to offer - and that enthusiasm is shared with others, resulting in sales and business building.
Benefits and rewards
  • A low-cost micro business and income generating opportunity that has few limitations other than the amount of time, effort and commitment you are prepared to invest (usually, a modestly priced sales kit is all that is required for one to get started)
  • Micro-entrepreneurial opportunity that enables you to start a business, within-a-business
  • Free training provided for direct sellers to get started and to grow in the business
  • A way to generate a monthly income or earn money to supplement your income to meet monthly expenditure, cover unexpected medical expenses, save for a holiday, buy a new car or whatever else the need may be
  • Flexible hours and work scheduling, enabling you to work around other priorities such as your family
  • You’re your own boss, which means you can work part-time or full-time, choose when and how much you want to work, set your own goals and determine how you are going to reach them
  • You can choose to work a few hours a week and earn a modest income to help pay the bills, or commit to 40 or more hours a week with the goal of developing a network of direct sellers below you whom you will train and mentor so they too can be successful – and earn you extra income
  • Offers an alternative to traditional employment
  • Offers one of the finest entrepreneurial skill building opportunities in the world - many people find that what they learn from creating a home-based business of their own serves them throughout their lives in ways they never would have dreamed
  • Outstanding personal development potential - companies offer product, business and life skills training, and provide mentorship
  • Leadership opportunities – building and developing others in your team and growing your direct selling business
  • Offers a good way to meet and socialise with people
  • Additional incentives based on product sales (a wide variety of goods in all sorts of product categories)
  • Opportunity for international travel 
  • Building a residual income stream
Direct sellers are not employed they are independent contractors operating their own businesses. Direct selling is not “easy income,” you will not “get rich quick” and there are no silver bullets to success. Anyone who promises you any of these things is misleading you.That being said, for people who set realistic goals and enjoy working in a flexible, self-directed environment, direct selling provides limitless possibilities.
Not everyone who tries direct selling will succeed – some will find that they just aren’t cut out to sell products and services. And that’s OK. But the beauty of direct selling is that it’s open to everyone, it’s easy to get started, it’s easy to drop out if you find it’s not for you and, who knows, you might discover a whole new person inside you that you never knew existed.


The flexibility of direct selling offers many types of individuals the opportunity to achieve their goals. Whether that is in the form of extra spending money every month, a full-time income or merely the chance to meet new people, the motivations for becoming a direct seller are as varied as the types of people who decide to give it a try.
While the motivation is slightly different for each person, most sellers fall into at least one of seven different categories. It’s important to remember, though, that many sellers fit in multiple categories and sellers can move from one category to another.
  1. Wholesale/Discount buyers – these direct sellers are mainly interested in buying products they use and love at a discount. In most cases, these sellers place regular orders for their own use and do not actively sell to or recruit others.
  2. Short-term/Specific Objectives – these sellers have a specific, short-term goal to reach such as paying for unexpected medical expenses, saving for a holiday, buying a new car, or covering education costs. Some sellers in this category will decide to continue their direct selling business even when they have achieved their goal because they enjoy the supplemental income, others will drop out after having achieved their goal and then rejoin when they have another short-term goal in mind.
  3. Part-time/Quality of Life Improvement – these individuals are looking for regular supplementary income and are more likely to continue with the business for an extended period than the short-term goal seekers. They will likely spend less than 10 hours per week on their business and will be looking to generate a steady flow of extra income of around R 2,500-R 3,500 per month.
  4. Career (Entrepreneurs) – this group is looking for a full-time business and individuals will dedicate 30+ hours per week to building their business and will often be active recruiters as well as sellers of products. They generally enjoy the opportunity to train and motivate others and consider their direct selling activities to be a career.
  5. Social contact – the primary motivation for direct sellers in this group is to meet new people and expand their social circle. They may or may not be interested in earning a regular supplemental income or building a business, but are very interested in the opportunity of meeting a wide range of individuals through their selling efforts.
  6. Recognition – sellers in this group love to receive recognition for their achievements and find the element of recognition and reward within direct selling to be extremely appealing. It would be difficult to find a traditional workplace that rewards achievements as regularly or as publicly as direct selling. For individuals who enjoy being recognised for their accomplishments, this is an important motivator.
  7. Sharing the Benefits – like wholesale/discount buyers, this group of sellers uses and loves the products and services they sell. However, they also want to share that passion with others. Promoting and selling the product or service is very fulfilling to them because they believe in the benefits of that which they are selling so strongly that they want to share that with others who might find similar benefit.

Training and New Skills

Not only is there the opportunity of building a business and earning an income with flexible hours of work and you determining your own goals, but also you get trained to do this – free.  Here are just a few of the things that you will learn:
  • How to run a direct selling business
  • Benefits of the products, customer testimonials
  • How to set goals
  • Time management
  • How to find and keep customers
  • How to sell and to recruit
  • Presentation skills
  • Basic business skills, administration, computer training
  • Responsibilities of a direct seller - Code of Conduct
  • Legislative and taxation requirements, earnings claims, product claims
  • Leadership and management skills
Group training, peer training, online training, DVDs and supplemental materials are all there to guide you. You are working on your own, but not alone, and will have a support system behind you that’s always there for you. Direct sellers support one another and create friendships that often last a lifetime, and direct selling businesses support the entire team.


When considering an opportunity, it’s natural to want to know how successful you’re likely to be. It’s also important to understand that the answer can’t be found just by looking at the number of people who are substantially high earners. There are certainly direct sellers who earn six-figure incomes (and more!), however, that is not the norm and holding all direct sellers to that standard does not create an accurate picture of “success.”
Yes, agreed, one common way to measure “success” is through income – the majority of people who get involved in direct selling do so, in whole or in part, because they want to earn money. However, to determine success in terms of income, one must consider doing so in the context of the direct seller’s initial goals.
A person who wants to earn R1,000 a month, and does so, is just as successful as someone who develops their business into a six-figure income. Someone who joins with the purpose of buying products at a discount is as successful as a stay-at-home mom who joins to meet to new people and for personal development. Even in a multilevel compensation system, there may be many people who do not earn money from a downline – because they don’t have a downline, and choose not to have one. Of course, a business grows and evolves when new people join as sellers, but recruiting others is not essential to success unless your definition of success involves a level of earnings beyond what you will be able to earn from your own personal sales of the products and services.
Success must be analyzed on an individual level, based on personal goals.
Direct selling critics will often focus on the small percentage of direct sellers “at the top”. They make it sound like it’s impossible to achieve that level of success, when, in reality, many direct sellers have no desire to devote the time and energy necessary to be a top performer.
In fact, the direct selling model has many parallels to a traditional corporate business model. In a corporate model there are a few people at the top (Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Managing Director, Chairman of the Board, etc.) who drive the business and motivate those below them. A large number of directors and mid-level managers execute the business operations and are developing professionally and personally. In a few cases these individuals may one day rise to the senior executive level. Finally, there is an administrative level where one generally finds younger, less experienced people who are learning the business and, depending on their career goals, may continue to climb the corporate ladder or they may leave after a relatively short period of time to pursue other goals.
The salesforce structure in direct selling is actually very similar, but in reality the potential for someone to reach the top is much higher. In a traditional business, there are a limited number of desks in the senior executive suite, but in direct selling personal sales and the development of a productive downline will propel you to the top regardless of who else is already there.
How much money can you make in direct selling?
The majority of direct sellers are part-time and they look at direct selling as a way of bringing in extra money to supplement their income. Part timers work between 5 hours and 20 hours a week and the more hours they put into it, the more they tend to earn. Full time direct sellers literally work at direct selling as if it was a job for an employer, namely 8 to 10 hours a day or even longer. However, with both groups one of the major benefits is that the hours are often very different with a lot more work in the evenings and on weekends, as you have to fit in with your customers, but your hours are very flexible.
Direct sellers have to be prepared to learn the business and attend training, and have to realise that it takes work, determination and self-discipline to succeed. For people who want to add R3 000 or so to their monthly income it does not require that much time, but for those who want to earn R10 000 and more, it is extremely hard work.
Those earning from R10,000 to R50,000 monthly are investing long-hours, working hard, focussing on personal development, as well as building, training and mentoring their sales teams. Those earning over R50,000 are very much full-time career entrepreneurs in terms of hours, commitment, leadership and management. Highly successful direct sellers who have invested years into their business and developed extremely motivated and successful downlines are earning in excess of R 100,000 per month.

The DSA SA acknowledges and thanks WFDSA, US DSA and directselling411.com for contributions to this website.


How to get started

Over one million people in South Africa and over ninety-six million people globally, find that direct selling fits their unique lifestyle. 

       Whether you’re looking for a part-time opportunity to earn supplementary income or if you think direct selling might be a good career choice for you, finding the right opportunity is important.
The decision to become a direct seller should be one that you make based on your personal goals. It’s important to clearly identify what you want to achieve and then evaluate companies based on those goals. Don’t be swayed by what others say, as they may have different goals and expectations.
Here’s a quick guide to getting started:

Identify a company and product range that appeals to you.

Many direct sellers are customers of the company prior to joining as a direct seller, so deciding on a company and product range is then easier as you’re already familiar with them. If you’re new to direct selling, a good place to start is the Member Directory to view the member companies of the DSA – there’s almost certainly a company selling a line of products that’s just right for you (all member companies have pledged to abide by and uphold the DSACode of Conduct which is designed to protect both consumers and direct sellers who sell the company’s products). In most cases, from the Member Directory, there is a link to the member company websites that you can also visit.

Take your time deciding.

There’s no rush to get started, a great opportunity will not disappear overnight, so relax and make sure your decision is the right one. Don’t think short-term, think long-term. Be sure you make your decision based on your personal goals and objectives, and what you want to achieve. If you know anyone who works, or has worked, as a direct sales representative for the company, talk to them about his or her experiences, especially if they have similar goals and objectives to yours as it will make for a better comparison.

Ask questions…

About the company, its leadership, the products or services, start-up fees (usually the cost of a sales kits and a small administrative fee), realistic costs of doing business, average earnings of direct sellers, return policies, and anything else you’re concerned about. Be sure to ask as many questions as you need to get a good feel for the company, its products and its policies and procedures. If the person recruiting you can’t answer all of your questions call the company directly.

Get copies of all company literature.

And read it! Be sure to be aware of all requirements before signing on the dotted line.

Consult with others who have had experiences with the company and its products.

Verify the products or services are actually being sold to consumers.

Investigate and verify all information.

Do not assume that “official looking” documents are accurate or complete or even produced by the company, as opposed to the person trying to recruit you. If anything seems questionable, then contact the company directly to check it out.

Have fun!

Direct selling is a source of income, personal satisfaction, personal growth and perhaps most importantly – fun!

Multi-Level Marketing Explained


Many multi-level marketing "opportunities" are work from home scams. Multi-level marketers sell all sorts of products from makeup to internet access. It's important to understand and avoid the costly mistake of getting involved with an illegitimate business opportunity.
How Multi-Level Marketing Works
In multi-level marketing, the company produces a product or sells a service. An independent distributor sells that product or service and recruits other independent distributors to sell it. The distributor earns a commission on what they sell directly plus a commission on what their recruits sell. The promise to distributors is that the more they can recruit others, the more money they can make. The idea is that there will be an endless line of new distributors, and therefore more and more money. 
Multi-Level Marketing Vs. Pyramid Schemes
Multi-level marketing is often confused with pyramid schemes. A pyramid scheme is where someone gets a commission for signing people up for paid memberships. For example, a distributor signs up recruiter "A" to join a membership plan for $50.00 a month and in return earns a commission. When recruiter "A" sells a membership to recruiter "B," both the distributor and recruiter "A" earn a commission on that sale. Pyramid schemes are illegal and some are disguised as multi -level marketing and affiliate marketing programs. You can spot a pyramid scheme if sales are mainly generated from recruiting new members and not selling the products or services to the general public. Be on the lookout for any request for payments to join a membership program with the promise to make money selling other memberships for a commission. The Federal Trade Commission's advice is, "Avoid plans that require you to recruit distributors, buy expensive inventory, or commit to a minimum sales volume."
Multi-Level Marketing Programs: Work From Home Scams
Many multi-level marketing programs are work from scams because you have to pay to join, and you lose money trying to recruit others. New recruits may be asked to buy their own inventory. For instance, a makeup company might ask its sales people to buy makeup at a discount to have on hand to sell directly. Another example of costs is the requirement to buy your own membership before you'll be allowed to sell memberships to others. The reason why many people don't make money is because most multi-level marketing programs require you to sell mainly to other distributors, and not to the general public. Asking someone to be your seller, rather than a buyer, is difficult.  Most people want to buy products, not sell them.
While there may be legitimate multi-level marketing programs, the risks and costs of finding yourself involved with a cleverly disguised pyramid scheme may not be worth it. Many people who have signed up for famous multi-level marketing plans have been left disappointed, and out of much needed money.

Distinguishing Between a Pyramid Scheme and Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)


pyramid scheme might pass themselves off as multi-level marketing opportunity. You might think you've come across a great MLM opportunity, and actually end up being prosecuted, depending on your level of involvement. So how does one distinguish between a pyramid scheme and multi-level marketing?
Identifying Pyramid Schemes
Pyramid schemes generally start with one person at the top of the "pyramid". That person recruits five or more people, and convinces them to invest in whatever idea he's selling. Each recruit is given the task of recruiting five more people. When those people invest in the idea, a percentage goes to the recruiter, and a percentage goes to the "pharoah" at the top of the pyramid. The people who invest in the early stages of a pyramid scheme generally make the most money. As each recruit goes out and finds five more investors (or whatever number they're tasked with finding), they receive a cut of the money. However, the majority of the funds go straight to the con artist at the top. It may appear like a good investment, because the more people you recruit, the more money you make.
The problem is that pyramid schemes don't sell an actual physical product. Recruits are simply putting money into the pharoah's pocket, and they'll have very little to show for it. The further down the pyramid a person is, the less money they'll make. Pyramid schemes usually end when the pharoah takes the money and disappears (or when the whole thing collapses). These scams grow exponentially in the early stages, but because of that growth, they run out of investors at some point.
Pyramid schemes have also happened in the U.S. in the form of chain letters, email campaigns, and lotteries. If you're presented with an investment opportunity that asks you to recruit other investors, it's probably a pyramid scheme. Talk to a reputable stock broker or the Better Business Bureau about the deal if you're unsure.
Identifying Multi-Level Marketing
Multi-level marketing differs from pyramid schemes in that it is legal, and there has to be an actual product being sold. These programs function similar to a pyramid scheme, in that the original company gets a percentage of all the sales you make. MLM companies create what's called a "downline of distributors". If you sell products and promote the company, and recruit other sales people, you get a percentage of their sales. Once again, the company at the top of the distribution line makes most of the money. You don't earn a commission on recruiting new members, which is another distinction from the pyramid scheme. Commissions for signing up other members to a MLM plan are illegal in the U.S. Although the concept is very similar to a pyramid scheme, MLM companies such as Amway and Avon are legal, because they're selling real products to customers.
In the age of information products, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between a pyramid scheme and multi-level marketing. Pyramid schemes often present themselves as a multi-level marketing opportunity. If you're uncertain about a potential offer, make sure you conduct research before joining.

Pyramid Scheme Real Scams

For those of you who wish to pursue further study and review, the list that follows profiles a laundry list of real Ponzi/Pyramid scams and cases that you can research.
The FTC filed suit against 2Xtreme to halt the operation of a vast pyramid scheme promoted in part on the Internet, and to freeze the defendants' assets, pending trial, so they will be available for consumer redress. The agency alleged that the pyramid scam, disguising itself as a legitimate multi-level marketing plan, used deceptive earnings claims to lure consumers to enroll in the scheme. The company claims to have recruited more than 60,000 consumers.
21st Century Nutriceuticals
Louisiana Dept. of Justice Served a Notice of Complaint and Issued a Civil Investigative Demand on 21st Century Nutriceuticals pursuant to a Pyramid Scheme investigation.
A $5 Gimmick
Based in the Netherlands. Consumers complete an application form and return it with the equivalent of US$5 (payable monthly). Those who have joined can induce others to join with the promise that more money can be earned depending on the number of people in the scheme.
Adair Benevolent Society
Indiana Attorney General's Office served a Civil Investigative Demand on Adair Benevolent Society pursuant to a Pyramid Scheme investigation.
Advanced Marketing Seminars
Maryland Securities Division petitioned for, and obtained, a Preliminary Injunction against Advanced Marketing Seminars pursuant to a Pyramid Scheme investigation.
Amigos Associates 500 Social Club, Inc.
New Jersey Dept. of Law and Public Safety petitioned for, and obtained, a Preliminary Injunction against Amigos Associates 500 Social Club, Inc. pursuant to a Pyramid Scheme investigation.
Anova-Tau, Inc.
New Jersey Dept. of Law and Public Safety petitioned for, and obtained, a Preliminary Injunction against Anova-Tau, Inc. pursuant to a Pyramid Scheme investigation.
BG Management, Inc.
Maryland Securities Division petitioned for, and obtained, a Preliminary Injunction against BG Management, Inc. pursuant to a Pyramid Scheme investigation.
Business Software
Consumers receive unsolicited mail inviting them to sell computer disk reports that cover ‘job specifications'. Cost of each disk is $20. Participants are required to send $20 to each of usually four persons named on a list they have received to obtain a copy of each report. Participants then send out letters similar to the unsolicited ones they received but this time they put their own name on the top of the list and drop the bottom name off. The lists offer broad-brush management information readily available from free sources.
Cash Club, Victoria 
Same game as the Plane Game, Concorde and Golden Galaxy. Gold ($5,000 earns $40,000), Silver ($2,000 earns $15,000) and Bronze ($500 earns $4,000) levels of the club. Cost for each membership is shown with the amount to be earned from each level. Start as club member (8), progress to committee member (4), then vice-president (2) to president (1). President receives money form the eight club members and leaves the game. It splits in half with one vice-president becoming the new president. Everyone moves up one and then eight new club members are required.
Caruba Partners (Caruba International)
Your basic pyramid scheme. Cute website, ineffectual disclaimer that says, "Caruba International, is not a bank, financial institution, or brokerage firm. Caruba does not sell any securities or offer any investments . . . " and then they go right on with their, "Invest in my pyramid scheme" pitch.
The Principal is reported to be a black male:

Ivan E. Shew-A-Tjon
19720 NW 3rd Court
Pembroke Pines, FL 33029
DOB: Jun 16 1952
Cash Daily MLM
A scheme similar to Business Software above. Unsolicited printed material received by consumers who are invited to photocopy the material and send $5 to every person on a list included with printed material. Consumers add their names at the top of the list, remove the name at the bottom then post as many unsolicited lists as they wish.
CD Express
Cost to join is US$55. Consumers receive a welcome kit and 350 points to purchase CDs and CD ROMs. Participants induce two others to the scheme with more commission being earned for more referrals.
Christopher Erickson Scheme
Operates from outside Australia and consumers who receive unsolicited printed material are invited to send $5 for ‘money making' reports to each of four people with overseas addresses. When the very broad-brush and limited value reports are received, participants are asked to send copies of the original letter with their name in the top position on the letter. The bottom name from the letter is removed and participants are told to ‘wait for the orders and the money for the reports to come in'.
Club Equitynet
Consumers who receive unsolicited printed material are told they could qualify for a home loan of up to $120,000 at a fixed interest rate of 3% within 20 weeks of joining. Cost to join is an annual 'Agency Contribution' of $160. Participants are required to join up at least two new people (Agents) into the scheme. Participants can earn 30 points for each new agent they join. Each point equals $1 towards the 3% 'Home Loan Value.' A total of 4,094 new agent/participants are required to be recruited for a person to be eligible for the $120,000 3% home loan. Participants can then enter Phase 2 of the scheme and by recruiting another 1,022 people can be eligible for a $250,000 loan. A line of credit of up to $20,000 is available to members who meet certain criteria.
Consumer Enrichment Centre, Milton, Qld
Receive a letter advising of your eligibility to win $15,000. Only by reading carefully will you find that to win you have to win a 3 part skill contest with possible tie-breakers. Total cost of contest is $11. You can increase the amount you win by taking up additional offers. Cost of these additional offers is up to $140. Contest continues until March 2001.
David Stein Mailing scheme
Australian scheme where participants are asked to send $10 to each of four people on a list. Those four persons are asked to include the new participant's name to their own mailing lists by removing names from the bottom of those lists. Participants are asked to send out 200 copies of the Mailing Scheme letter and ‘wait for the money to come in'.
Destiny Telecomm International Inc
Persons are invited to join this pyramid selling scheme by paying $US100, $US 300 or $US700. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has taken Court action to prevent the company operating its illegal scheme in Australia.
Edward L Green
'Make $200,000 in 90 days or less.' This long running scheme involves consumers ordering four reports at $20.00 each from four different people listed on unsolicited printed material. The new participant's name goes at the top of the list by dropping off the name of person in fourth position. A participant is asked to post 200 letters with their name in first position and wait for the orders and money to come in.
Equinox, International Corp
The FTC identified Equinox, International Corp., as a massive pyramid scheme being promoted on the Internet. Together with state law enforcement partners from Hawaii, Maryland, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Virginia, the FTC filed suit in U. S. District Court to halt the illegal operation. District Judge Johnnie B. Rawlinson issued a Preliminary Injunction and appointed a receiver, pending trial.
Future-Gen Pty Ltd
Persons are required to buy $100 worth of products per month and join up three people who must in turn join three more in order to receive commissions and bonuses. All participants must continue to join people up and all those involved must buy $100 worth of product per month.
Flying Saucer, Flying Starship & Cosmic Adventure Games
Flying Saucer, Flying Starship and the Cosmic Adventure games are classic illegal pyramid sales games identical in format to Concorde and the Plane Game. Different names are used - earth stations, space station and Mars. Cost to enter is $300 and when players reach the second level (space station) they must introduce two new players. When reaching the top position (flying saucer) players receive $400 in cash and a $2,000 seat in the Cosmic Adventure game from which players are promised $16,000. All pyramid sales games collapse with the majority of participants losing all their money.
Fortune Quest International
Michigan Attorney General's Office served a Notice of Intended Action on Fortune Quest International pursuant to a Pyramid Scheme investigation.
Given in Freedom Trust
Michigan Attorney General's Office served a Notice of Intended Action on Given in Freedom Trust pursuant to a Pyramid Scheme investigation.
Global Interactive Investment Club
This scheme promises consumers an ‘off-shore' credit card by sending US$100 to a Canadian company. Consumers are told the card will have a credit limit of either $4,000 or $15,000. Promoters of the scheme state there are no credit checks and bankrupts can apply. There is a charge of US$25 per month for the service. Once issued with a card, consumers are told they can earn commission by joining more members into the scheme.
Global Network Team-Denmark: Liberty Gold
Investment £387. A person then recruits two members who in turn recruit two new members. When a second level is complete, consumer are told they will receive £100 with the more members signed up the more money that can be earned.
Global Prosperity Marketing Group
Australian scheme where consumers are asked to buy, from a ‘Director', a $1,600 ‘Gateway 1' package comprising eight audio cassettes. To qualify as a Director, participants must sell Gateway 1 packages to two other people with the profit from those sales going to the person who made the initial approach to the consumer. Participants can start to earn their own money from the fourth person introduced and the sale of Gateway 1 & Gateway II audio cassettes.
Golden Galaxy
Played in the same way as the Plane game and Concorde. Game is played on the Internet. Games can be played with entry costs of US$10, $50, $500, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $25,000, $50,000, $100,000, $250,000, $500,000, $1 million and $5 million. Money is paid to the 'Pilot' and once 8 passengers have paid fares, the Pilot leaves and the game splits in two. All people move up to the next level. Co-Pilots become Pilots, the crew become Co-Pilots and the former passengers become Crew members. Eight (8) new seats then become available. A 5% fee is payable to Golden Galaxy for costs to operate scheme.
Global Vision
Cost to join is ‘free' but participants must have three sponsored people who in turn have three sponsored people under them down to the seventh level. To earn the maximum money the scheme promises, each participant requires 3279 people under them. There is a requirement to purchase goods for which a commission is paid. Purchases by those on lower levels also attract a commission.
Goldquest International Ltd
Hong Kong based scheme that markets gold coins and products. The coins are uncirculated coins minted in Germany and range in price from US$700-900. The scheme operates by the recruitment of customers by existing Independent Representatives (IR). An IR is provided with an ID that gives access to a 'Tracking Centre' (TC) in Goldquest's computer system through which the IR's sales are tracked. A TC has a left and right customer group. Every GQI customer owns a TC which is then placed on the left or right customer side of the IR's TC. A 'direct' transaction (your sale) is counted as 1 transaction. An 'indirect transaction (someone in your TC sells) is also counted as 1 transaction. GQI pays $400 each time 5 product sales on an IR's left customer group are matched by 5 product sales on the right, whatever the combination of direct and indirect sales.
Golden Sphere International
A joining fee of $150 applies with $50 to be sent to Vanuatu, $50 to member in position 1, $50 to sponsor. Participants start in position seven and 2187 members must join before participants reach position 1 to receive money.
Helping Women To Help Women
Consumers receive an unsolicited letter with a list containing the names of four women. $5 has to be sent to the woman on the top of the list. Letters being sent to prospective participants by those joining the scheme omit the top of the list name and add the new participant's name at the bottom. Participants are asked to send ten letters to their female friends.
Income 2000
It costs $75 to purchase membership of the Income 2,000 ‘Aristocrat' program. Consumers are told they will receive a Deed by paying $75 to the person whose name is on the Deed. Consumers then have to return the Deed with bank receipt and other details and $50 to Income 2000. They will then receive three more Deeds, two with the first person's name on them and one with the consumer's name. There are four other Income 2000 programs with differing membership costs.
International Direct-Mail Network
International ‘mail order' scheme. Send US$10 to each of five names on a list to receive copies of five reports. Add your name to the top of the list and remove the name in position five and move all others down one position. Send letters with your name on the list and wait for the requests and money for reports ‘to roll in'.
International Direct-Mail Order Network
Consumers are asked to send AUD$20 to five persons with overseas addresses to receive a specific report from each. They are told they should place their name in position 1, move all the other names down one position and remove the 5th name from the list. After receiving the five reports, they are told to send out copies of the original letter with their name in position 1.
International Heritage
SEC v. International Heritage involved one of the biggest pyramid schemes in recent history. Prospective investors were told they could make money by selling Montblanc pens, Waterford crystal, Coach leather products, and Ping golf clubs. However, when people signed up to become distributors, they were told they could make much more money if they signed up other people to become distributors. Additionally, people who actually tried to sell the products never received them from the promoters. By the time the SEC moved in to stop the scheme from continuing, the promoters had raised $150 million from 155,000 investors.
International Mailing
Consumers are asked to send a AUD$10 International Postal Order to the person who has sent an unsolicited letter to them inviting them to be included on an Agents List. Consumers them must send an AUD$2 International Postal Order to each of five other listed ‘international agents' along with a request to be added to their lists. Remove top name when list is received, put your name on the bottom and send out 200 copies. Your name will gradually move up the list.
International Prize Fund Administration, New York USA
Letter advises you are a 'guaranteed cash award' winner of up to $48,500. You have to correctly answer the question on the bottom of the entry form to be eligible to win any amount. Every cash winner will win at least $2.50. Competition closes 31/12/2000 and winning number is pre-selected from 5 million numbers before the promotion is sent out. You are also given an opportunity to purchase various pieces of jewelry for prices of $39.95 each. Jewelry is normally not worth the price paid.
Jane Nelson
Consumers receive a letter including a list of participants in the scheme. Send $10.00 'loan' to the person in the No.1 position on the list; remove their name and add your own name in position three. Send out 20 copies.
Jilly International Services, Ltd.
Michigan Attorney General's Office served a Notice of Intended Action on Jilly International Services, Ltd. pursuant to a Pyramid Scheme investigation.
Joker 88
Based in Germany where originator of the scheme claims it is legal. Cost to join is $150.00. Pay $50 to the person who sells the certificate, $50 to the person in position one on the list sent with the letter and a $50 deposit in a bank account. Details of the payment and account number have to be sent to the German promoter in order to obtain three certificates. Consumer sells the certificates and waits 12 months for their name to move to the No 1 position on all lists being sent out. The promised return after twelve months is $109,000 but 2,187 people must be recruited for one person to reach the number one position and receive this amount.
Kinetic Resources International d/b/a KRI
Michigan Attorney General's Office served a Cease and Desist Order on Kinetic Resources International d/b/a KRI pursuant to a Pyramid Scheme investigation.
Krona Klub
Started in Norway and Denmark and imported to Australia. Set up on a similar basis to the Plane Game, Concorde, Golden Galaxy etc. Pay initial cost of $125 to enter and then recruit two others who recruit two, who also recruit two. There are fifteen players in each game. Collect $1,000 from the first game you enter, $500 cash and $500 is paid for automatic entry to the next game. Collect $3,800 from that game, $1,800 cash and $2,000 entry to the next game. The game progresses through four levels.
Lotto Master
The cost is $20.00 with four parts @ $5.00 each. Participants must order four parts before they can use the system. Each part must be copied along with the original letter and removing top name on the accompanying list and placing new participant's name in the fourth position. Send out between 200-1,000 flyers and collect money when your name moves to number one position.
Make a Million
Cost $30. Send $10 to each of three names on a list. Remove person in number three position and insert your name in position one and move other two down the list. Send out 200 copies of letter with your name on list and wait for money to roll in.
Mark Drucker – Day Trader Extraordinaire
In October 1999, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charged Mark Drucker with running a $6.2 million Ponzi scheme. Drucker told investors that he was a successful day trader and that because of expertise in this field, he could invest their money and secure a 50% return in two months or less. Drucker used investor funds to pay earlier investors their promised 50% returns. However, Drucker neglected to tell investors that his day-trading strategy consistently lost money -- in fact, during 1999 alone, Drucker lost $630,000. Drucker also conveniently forgot to tell investors that he was using their money to pay off earlier investors and to finance elaborate parties at his home.
Manna Matrix
Kentucky Attorney General's Office served Manna Matrix a Cease and Desist Letter pursuant to a Pyramid Scheme investigation.
Cost $180. Purchase a computer software disk for $30 from a Mega$net agent. Use a computer to enter your details and print five purchase orders from the program. Send $30 each to five providers who will each send you an unlocking code for the program. Make six or more copies of the program and sell them for $30 each.
Money Masters
Michigan Attorney General's Office served a Notice of Intended Action on Money Masters pursuant to a Pyramid Scheme investigation.
Network Team-Denmark: Prosper International League Ltd
Pay $200 membership fee to Prosper International League Ltd. Sponsor three new members or purchase three additional P I L L memberships (total cost $800). The extra $600 allows a trust to be activated in your name. $200 sets up your Trust and each new member you enroll directly pays $200 into your Trust fund. You are issued with an International Credit Card with a limit of $1,000 when your trust account balance reaches $1600.
New Millennium Direct-Mail
Cost $100. Send away for five separate reports @ $20 each from each of the five people named on an accompanying list. Remove the name on the top of the list and place your own name and address in the top position. When you have the reports, copy them and the original letter. Send out as many copies of the letter as you wish with your name in the number one position and then wait for people to send you money for the reports.
Oneonta Marketing Group
Michigan Attorney General's Office served a Notice of Intended Action on Oneonta Marketing Group pursuant to a Pyramid Scheme investigation.
Online Ninety Nine
$160 to join. $50 goes to person who introduces you to scheme, $50 to person in No 1 position on the list and $60 to Online 99 which is based in Queensland. Receive three certificates with your name in position seven, sell them to recoup $150. Wait until your name reaches the No 1 position when the promised money will start coming in. Also receive a 'Pantry 'N' Cellar' discount card. Renew membership annually for $110.
Opportunity Listing Service
$15 joining fee. Fill out the joining form and send it with $15 to an overseas address. Receive a copy of the same joining form which now has your name inserted as a Distributor. Copy the form and send out as many copies as you like. You receive $5 for each listing you get.
Opportunity Seekers Mailing List
Cost US$45. Receive a single page flier with three names to whom you give a 'loan.' Send $US15 to first name on list; $US10 to second name; $US5 to third name. Send US$10 to the monitor/facilitator shown on the list and in return, receive a master copy with your name in position three and a mailing list. Make at least 30 copies of the master copy and send to as many people as you wish.
Oxford Savings Club
Maryland Securities Division petitioned for, and obtained, a Final Cease and Desist Order against Oxford Savings Club pursuant to a Pyramid Scheme investigation.
OzPower Scheme 'bonus plan' - The Syndicate Club Pty Ltd
There is an initial joining fee, upfront payments and then weekly payments to cover the cost of playing Oz Lotto and Powerball in a syndicate. The organizers of the syndicate cover the sixth number and Powerball number in the respective lottery draws, with the member only having to be concerned with the remaining numbers in Oz Lotto and Powerball draw. The Syndicate Club claims to reduce the odds of winning in Oz Lotto and Powerball by using their system. However, people are also invited to join a 'bonus plan', where members are encouraged to get others to join the syndicate. By doing so, it is represented that the member's cost of playing Oz Lotto and Powerball can be partially or fully covered, or indeed a member can earn an income, depending how many persons the member gets to join. The 'bonus plan' aspect of the OzPower Scheme contravenes the prohibition on pyramid selling under the Fair Trading Act 1987.
Pacific International Credit Services (PICS)
Supply of an off-shore credit card. Send US$125 to company in Texas and obtain a credit card from an off-shore bank with a credit limit of between $400 and $20,000. There are no credit checks and even bankrupts can apply. PICS will then charge US$25 per month in fees for the service. Following receipt of the card, participants can earn commission by joining members into the scheme.
Paradise Wins-Instant Lottery Collectors Club
Send $10 and a $1 instant money ticket each month to whoever sponsors you into the scheme. Then recruit others into the scheme beneath you. All the people you sponsor on the first level pay you $10 and a $1 instant money ticket per month. All people joining underneath them pay the same to their sponsor but only pay a $1 instant money ticket to you. Recruit down to six levels.
Cost is US$60.00. Pay for a ‘mail order riches pack' to a Melbourne based company that retains $20.00 and sends $40.00 to your sponsor. By recruiting others you become a sponsor and will receive $40.00 for every person recruited.
Based in Italy. Costs $150.00 to join. Buy a $50.00 certificate from a sponsor, send $50.00 to Italy with personal bank account details and $50.00 to person in first place on list. You then receive three certificates with your name in seventh position and sell them to others. As more people join, your name moves up list to the money making position.
Kentucky Attorney General's Office served Pentagono a Cease and Desist Letter pursuant to a Pyramid Scheme investigation.
Personal Power Report
Subscription fee of NZ$150 a year for Personal Power Report. An annual distributor registration fee of NZ$25 applies. There are six levels in this scheme for every person and for everyone you join up on level one you receive NZ$30. For all levels between two and six you earn NZ$15 for every person your distributors on level one join up
Phoenix Phone Cards International Pty Ltd
Participants are required to sign up at least three new members per month. The first two are allocated to the person who recruited you. Participants receive income from everyone they sign up from the third person. You earn income as long as everyone under you purchases $120 of 'product' each month. Product(s) not specified.
Plane Game & Concorde
Consumers are invited to spend $500 or more to buy a ‘ticket' to enter the ‘game'. This is payable to a ‘pilot' and once eight passengers have paid fares to the pilot he/she leaves and the game splits in two. All people move up to the next level. Co-Pilots become Pilots, the crew become Co-Pilots and the former passengers become Crew members. Eight new seats then become available. The Concorde game is exactly the same except fares are $2,000 for a seat. All games collapse through lack of new players. The majority of participants lose their money.
Please Put Me On Your Mailing List
Cost $30. Send $5 to each person named on the list you receive. New participants names are added to the mailing lists of those who received the money. You remove the name of the person in number one spot, move others up one position and add your name to position six. Send 200 copies of material out to randomly selected persons. Supposedly earn four million dollars in three months.
Power of 8
Enter game in eighth position. Get two friends to join and pay $20 to person in seventh position (who has sponsored you) and $20 to person in position one. Remove name of person in position one and add your name at position eight.
Pray For World Peace
US$45 to enter the scheme. Money to be sent to Malaysia. Participants receive a control code number and then can be placed on a list in position four and be permitted to join others into the scheme by sending information to them. You will receive a proportion of their joining fee and of others that join underneath them. Participants are asked to pray for world peace when they join the scheme. No limit on the number of times persons can join.
Price Right Travel
Web based Travel scheme which promotes itself as having the purpose of introducing the 'home based business of the millennium-the travel industry'. You activate step 1 by submitting an on-line application to purchase the product package for US$100. As an Independent Representative (IR) you are provided with an ID number, Product Package and an Associated Travel Agent manual. You can then sit for the ATA exam and when you pass you become a 'Qualified Member'. An IR is then invited to get involved at any level and simply introduce people to the on-line reservation system or you can market the ATA training program to others for a great part time income.
Project 21-E-Mail
This scheme is circulating the world via e-mail. The cost of the scheme is $A140 per month for an 'educational package'. You purchase one such package each month for 12 months. You them recruit others into the scheme by having them purchase a package from you. You retain all of the money for the packages purchased from you. It is not known what happens when the 12 month period is up and you have purchased and sold all 12 packages.
Louisiana Dept. of Justice Served a Notice of Complaint and Issued a Civil Investigative Demand on PRSI pursuant to a Pyramid Scheme investigation.

Riders of Round Table
Cost $150. New member pays $25 to person in ‘white quadrant' and progresses on to other quadrants on table and pays $25 to each. Then pays $50 to person in ‘black hole' in the middle of the table and supplies them with own name and bank account details. The new player is then sent six copies of the game with their name in the white quadrants. Others join and each pays new player $25 who progress ‘around the table' with the influx of new recruits picking up money in each quadrant.
Riviera Finance and Investment Inc (RFI)
Pay a license fee of US$60 to join the 'easy start' level, which is a worldwide forced matrix. It becomes filled as anew people subscribe to RFI Inc. Subscribers are encouraged to sponsor new people into the program in order that the matrix is filled quicker. The subscriber's first when they find three new subscribers or additional subscribers join. The next level fill when each of those three new subscribers find three new subscribers each. Each level becomes progressively larger. Once the first level is filled a debit card and offshore banking account is given an advance on the phase one entry fee plus the subscribers 6 month purchase of natural herbal health products. When there are an additional six subscribers at the 2nd level the balance of the Quick Start Bonus minus the cost of re-entry into the Quick Start Phase is given. The process starts anew in the Quick Start Phase. The resulting balance is paid into the subscribers debit card. From level 3-6 residual income is paid into the account. Residual income is paid even if the levels are not full.
$10 & $5 Loan
Consumers receive an unsolicited letter with a list of ‘loan participants'. New players send a $10.00 or $5.00 'loan' to the person in the number one position on the list, remove that name and add their own in position three. This is identical to the Jane Nelson scheme above.
Self Help Co-operation Programme
Consumer receives an unsolicited letter explaining the scheme along with a list of five participants. The consumer is asked to put $50.00 in the bank account of the person listed in position two, remove the top person from the list and add their own name and bank account number into position five. Send out 100 copies of the letter with your name included.
Serenity, Inc.
Indiana Attorney General's Office served a Civil Investigative Demand on Trade Exchange Network, Inc. pursuant to a Pyramid Scheme investigation.
SkyBiz 2000
The Federal Court in Perth (in Aug 2001) declared the scheme to be a pyramid scheme operating in contravention of the Trade Practices Act, 1974. Pay US$100 for a website plus US$10 application fee and then the recruit others into the scheme to earn money. Action is also being taken by the Federal Trade Commission in the US concerning the business.
Sky Electronics-used postage stamps
This scheme costs $30.00 to open a ‘file' in your name. You are required to send 50 used postage stamps per month to ‘earn' three cents per stamp. When your account reaches $30 or more you can receive lump sum compensation or a ‘fully equipped personal computer with accessories' when you join 780 other members in the scheme.
Telecom Resources International
Indiana Attorney General's Office served a Civil Investigative Demand on Telecom Resources International pursuant to a Pyramid Scheme investigation.
Trade Exchange Network, Inc.
Indiana Attorney General's Office served a Civil Investigative Demand on Trade Exchange Network, Inc. pursuant to a Pyramid Scheme investigation.
Trade Net Marketing International Pty Ltd: The Laundry Solution
Purchase a product pack for $195 and buy two other product packs or recruit others to purchase. The commission you receive is based on the number of product packs that are sold by agents recruited by you. The product is a ‘globe' that is placed in a washing machine in order to clean clothes. It is claimed that the globe changes the molecular structure of the water and makes it ‘wetter'. The globe supposedly replaces detergent and ‘lasts for 1500 washes'.
Treasury 2000
Cost to enter is $300. Participants are required to buy a gemstone from a member and are given a ‘free' invoice. They must pay $100 to the person in sixth position on a supplied list and $100 to the team leader who sold the gemstone to the new participant and $100 to an organization called Systems Gems 2000. Participants receive three invoices for gems which they sell to three others and move their name to sixth position on the list. As more people join, names of participants move up the list.
Vanilla International
Based in Denmark. Participants are required to buy gold. The cost of the initial gold purchase is 500 Swiss Francs. A deposit of 80sf is required and by recruiting others into the scheme, their 80sf deposits are used to pay off your purchase. The more people you join up, the more you earn and the further you progress through the ‘Gold Accumulation Plan'.
World Aid Sponsorship Program International
Pay $40.00 per month towards a sponsorship for 'meaningful assistance to communities within Australia and throughout the world.' by direct bank account debit. The communities to receive the assistance are not named. By recruiting others into the scheme participants receive a commission and can move to four levels (340 people).
Women's $1 pyramid scheme
A consumer receives a list of four women's names and are asked to send $1 to each person and then remove top name and add their own at the bottom of the list. Consumers are asked to send out 10 copies of the letter and sit back and wait for the money to ‘roll' in.
World Awareness International
Cost is $60 per month to purchase 60 Oxi-Supa tablets. By recruiting four others into the scheme participants obtain $10 commission on each. By assisting those four recruits to join four others further commissions on each purchase are earned. Varying amounts can be earned depending on the number of recruits. For those who have 340 recruits a payment ‘is donated to a charity' that the company says complies with its ‘stringent requirements'.

Ponzi/Pyramid Scheme Warning Signs

As with any investment, advise your Clients to carefully evaluate any prospect promising unusually high returns and/or a multilevel marketing opportunity and:
  1. Avoid any program they must pay to join where they are promised a commission based upon their success in recruiting investors or a “downline.”
  2. Avoid plans requiring the purchase of expensive products and marketing materials (often called tools).
  3. Be highly skeptical of plans involving miracle products or promising enormous earnings at no, or low, risk.
  4. Beware of shills - "decoy" references paid by a plan's promoter to lie about their earnings through the plan.
  5. Decline to pay for anything, or sign any contracts, in pressure-filled situations. If they have already committed, have them send the promoter a written notice of their intent to cancel as soon as possible.
  6. Be diligent in checking claims, backgrounds, references and use the governmental resources available to potential investors like the State Office of the Attorney General, the State Division of Securities, the NASD and the Better Business Bureau wherever they are based.
  7. Always get information about the investment in writing before investing. Any legitimate investment opportunity should have an offering circular with specific, detailed information about the company and the investment.
  8. If the promoter claims that the information is too complicated to understand, or that time is of the essence, pick another investment opportunity.
  9. Do not believe in “secret” strategies, proprietary programs, or any other mysterious offering – nobody should ever invest in anything they do not understand.
  10. Never, ever, attempt to get clever with the IRS – by all means, they should protect their assets, but it is insane to entrust their future to some Internet huckster promising tax relief. The mere appearance of criminality may result in a federal prosecution that will ruin them, whether they are ultimately convicted or not.
  11. Remember that no matter how good a product, and how solid a multilevel marketing plan may appear to be, there is no, “free lunch.”