Network marketing has gotten all sorts of publicity, both good and bad. It has made many people very rich but it has also made many go into bankruptcy and into heavy debt. When Donald Trump was asked on TV what he was going to do if he was to go bankrupt once again, his answer was simple. He said that he would get into a network marketing business. It seemed that the audience did not like his answer when they booed him. But everyone was silenced by his answer. He said that their reaction set the line between him and them; that the reason why he was rich and they were not because of this exact attitude. Donald Trump is known for his innovation and quick-mindedness. His risk-taking coupled with sound judgment has made him one of the richest men in the world. His thought on network marketing thrives on the concept being a powerful one. He believes that it is in simply knowing the difference between good multilevel marketing strategies and pyramid scams. The sad thing is many people do not know the difference; they do not know a good thing when they see one.Donald Trump has been in the business for so long and he knows a good strategy when he sees one. The principles that wrap around multilevel marketing is based soundly on existing theories. That is why there is no actual need to fear the business. The careful ones would really benefit from this type of business. Imagine earning from what you worked hard for today and from what you worked for months ago.The funny thing is, after Donald Trump made that remark about what he thinks of MLM, many scammers took advantage of the situation and used his name in many promotional materials. This made his side retaliate by saying that he was not actually endorsing MLM but just made his opinion on it. After all, he made his billions through real estate. Real estate runs in his blood and would probably remain in that business forever. It would really be helpful to think everytime you encounter a marketing scheme that when what it says is too good to be true, it probably is a fraud. It is highly recommended that be wary of frauds. Many scammers use names of famous people to make you think that these people are actually endorsing it. As always, it would be responsible to do intensive research on the company and the products or services it offers.Letís keep it simple. There is no business that will make you rich overnight. All businesses take some sort of investment
marți, 30 decembrie 2014
What Donald Trump Thinks of Network Marketing
Network marketing has gotten all sorts of publicity, both good and bad. It has made many people very rich but it has also made many go into bankruptcy and into heavy debt. When Donald Trump was asked on TV what he was going to do if he was to go bankrupt once again, his answer was simple. He said that he would get into a network marketing business. It seemed that the audience did not like his answer when they booed him. But everyone was silenced by his answer. He said that their reaction set the line between him and them; that the reason why he was rich and they were not because of this exact attitude. Donald Trump is known for his innovation and quick-mindedness. His risk-taking coupled with sound judgment has made him one of the richest men in the world. His thought on network marketing thrives on the concept being a powerful one. He believes that it is in simply knowing the difference between good multilevel marketing strategies and pyramid scams. The sad thing is many people do not know the difference; they do not know a good thing when they see one.Donald Trump has been in the business for so long and he knows a good strategy when he sees one. The principles that wrap around multilevel marketing is based soundly on existing theories. That is why there is no actual need to fear the business. The careful ones would really benefit from this type of business. Imagine earning from what you worked hard for today and from what you worked for months ago.The funny thing is, after Donald Trump made that remark about what he thinks of MLM, many scammers took advantage of the situation and used his name in many promotional materials. This made his side retaliate by saying that he was not actually endorsing MLM but just made his opinion on it. After all, he made his billions through real estate. Real estate runs in his blood and would probably remain in that business forever. It would really be helpful to think everytime you encounter a marketing scheme that when what it says is too good to be true, it probably is a fraud. It is highly recommended that be wary of frauds. Many scammers use names of famous people to make you think that these people are actually endorsing it. As always, it would be responsible to do intensive research on the company and the products or services it offers.Letís keep it simple. There is no business that will make you rich overnight. All businesses take some sort of investment
, nerve-wracking decision-making and a lot of hard work. There is no such thing as easy money. Donald Trump is right in saying that network marketing is based on a very powerful concept that when used properly will yield in the in-pouring of money. But not all MLMs that you see are legitimate. The secret in getting into the right kind of business is in knowing which are the real ones and which are the frauds. Base everything on proven facts and statistics and you probably would do no wrong.
Network marketing has gotten all sorts of publicity, both good and bad. It has made many people very rich but it has also made many go into bankruptcy and into heavy debt. When Donald Trump was asked on TV what he was going to do if he was to go bankrupt once again, his answer was simple. He said that he would get into a network marketing business. It seemed that the audience did not like his answer when they booed him. But everyone was silenced by his answer. He said that their reaction set the line between him and them; that the reason why he was rich and they were not because of this exact attitude. Donald Trump is known for his innovation and quick-mindedness. His risk-taking coupled with sound judgment has made him one of the richest men in the world. His thought on network marketing thrives on the concept being a powerful one. He believes that it is in simply knowing the difference between good multilevel marketing strategies and pyramid scams. The sad thing is many people do not know the difference; they do not know a good thing when they see one.Donald Trump has been in the business for so long and he knows a good strategy when he sees one. The principles that wrap around multilevel marketing is based soundly on existing theories. That is why there is no actual need to fear the business. The careful ones would really benefit from this type of business. Imagine earning from what you worked hard for today and from what you worked for months ago.The funny thing is, after Donald Trump made that remark about what he thinks of MLM, many scammers took advantage of the situation and used his name in many promotional materials. This made his side retaliate by saying that he was not actually endorsing MLM but just made his opinion on it. After all, he made his billions through real estate. Real estate runs in his blood and would probably remain in that business forever. It would really be helpful to think everytime you encounter a marketing scheme that when what it says is too good to be true, it probably is a fraud. It is highly recommended that be wary of frauds. Many scammers use names of famous people to make you think that these people are actually endorsing it. As always, it would be responsible to do intensive research on the company and the products or services it offers.Letís keep it simple. There is no business that will make you rich overnight. All businesses take some sort of investment
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